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Optec SWIR lenses are optimized to work in three bands of use: the classic SWIR band, ranging from 900nm to 1700nm, the higher SWIR band, ranging from 1700nm-2400nm and the full extended band, ranging 900-2400nm.

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Optec has developed several laser systems, working with different types of Laser depending on the application field.

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Diagnostic Digital Imaging is now the main technology used for medical application: Radiological imaging systems have developed, in close parallel with X-RAY image intensifiers, lens systems to transfer the image from this image intensifier to Camera Devices.

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It has been several years that Optec is working in International space programs. It all started in 1992 with innovative optical system developed for the Spacelab, Mission D2, designed to be used on the Advanced Fluid Physics Module (AFPM) experiment.

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Optec multichannel cameras greatly contribute to the company income. The most famous multichannel cameras are the classic 3 channels that use the principle of the Philips' prism.

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Optec's World

OPTEC S.p.A. History

Founded in 1985, OPTEC SpA is the Italian firm reference leader in optical, optoelectronic and optomechanical sector, in Europe and in the World.

OPTEC customized development for many Industry sectors, represents the engine of our high standards solutions, and represents for our Customers the correct answer for each problem who tumble in Optec's action area.

Studies carried out inside Optec, are present in several technical publications; inside “Collana di Ottica e Fotonica”, a technical Italian publication which contains different and interesting articles, Optec has given a contribute with the 4th volume "Elements of Optical design", written by our professionals engaging in private Industry and in research area.

Since its start up in 1985, Optec is more than a manufacturer. It is a service organization with a proven record of successful performance.
Optec is always driven by its dedication to serving Customer needs and by its commitment to producing quality products with high performance, with reference to optical sector. Optec's standard and custom products are a result of experience in imaging applications.
In the beginning, Optec provided only lenses, now we offer complete integrated systems. By providing the complete system, Optec is able to optimize system performance rather than just individual component performance. Optec has a great attention to research field, which has conducted us to collaborate with a lot of important partners in Aerospace and Imaging sectors Industry.

Optec has obtained the quality certificate ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV Italy certification TUV certificate click to download the certificate in pdf

OPTICA GROUP - the first Italian optical consortium

Optica Group was established in January 2011 by an agreement of cooperation signed between Optec SpA and Tecnottica Consonni Srl, two of the most important Italian companies operating in the world of optical and optoelectronic systems, with the intention of creating a big reference point for all entities and companies who wish to design and build advanced optical systems.

Optica Group is the first Italian optical consortium, created to follow at 360° all institutions and companies wishing to design and integrate any type of advanced optical system. Combining both the experts of Optec and Tecnottica, the customer who turn to Optica Group is sure to solve its optical, optoelectronics and optomechanical problems quickly. Thanks to the experienced team of people that works in both Optec and Tecnottica the customer has the opportunity to be followed in all the stages that make up the construction and the integration of an optical system, reducing the intermediaries, speeding up times and, above all, resources.

Optica Group team guarantees complete assistance during both the planning and the preparation of the projects and during the optical, mechanical and electronic construction of the same. The services made available cover all areas that typically involve the construction of an optical system. Starting from the drawing up of technical specifications in direct contact with the customer, Optica Group deals with the overall optical, optoelectronic and optomechanical design and the definition of all surface coatings. Once the project is approved, our team will directly perform the production of all optical and mechanical elements and the first complete prototypes. Before the final assembly, all the optical elements that born under the sign of Optica Group are strictly controlled and monitored through advanced metrology systems. Optica Group also provides a final and rigorous inspection of all its finished products.


Optec provides to its customers a variety of consulting services, such as:

Optec uses two different software to have a double feedback during the design phase. From the collaboration between the optical departments and computer programmers CAOD (Computer Aided Optical Design) named Horus was born, which was developed in-house, capable to interface to other programs to perform arithmetic functions, optimization, simulation, and analysis specifically dedicated to optical systems. HORUS is the result of the significant experiences that Optec made over the years in the optical and computing fields. An optical design software most widely used, Zemax OpticStudio (currently used in EE Professional 2021 version) has been accompanied to HORUS for the last fifteen years. OpticStudio21 is able to simulate many optical systems, such as standard lenses, telescopes, microscopes, fiber optics, laser cavity, prisms, beam-splitters and many other applications of optical technology. A rich set of functions is able to analyse and optimize complex systems

Optec has recently improved its optical optimization and analysis capabilities acquiring CodeV, worldwide known as the best software for optical optimization and analysis.

Optec uses the whole Autodesk package: starting from Autocad 2D, where the first few feasibility studies occur to switch to Autodesk Inventor 3D for design final. The finalization of the system occurs with a detailed analysis using Finite Element software Simcenter 3D. The software provides a range of mechanical simulation tools that help Optec engineers to take decisions during the trial phase of the design process. The software supports multiple CAD environments and tools for modelling large finite elements with the aim of helping to correctly define the design criteria and to accurately predict product performance. Optec uses Simcenter 3D Software to validate and optimize designs before manufacturing, increasing efficiency, minimizing the need for physical prototypes, reducing costs and errors.

Optec uses Simcenter 3D enterprise package that allows to deeply analyse the structural and thermal behaviour of our products. Optec can furnish finite element analyses that allow the study of mechanical stress of the materials (static, dynamic, linear, non-linear, vibration, etc.) thermo-elastic response and thermal control.

For the structural analysis Optec uses the space qualified NX Nastran software and it follows the ECSS indications that lead the simulations through some sanity checks to improve the results.
The thermal analysis, including thermal control strategies, are performed using the powerful thermal package created by Siemence. Starting from some boundary conditions, Optec can provide thermal control solutions involving custom passive and active systems.

The versatility and computing power of Simcenter 3D allow Optec engineers to furnish detailed physical data starting from the requirements sent by the customer. In addition, Optec can perform opto-mechanical analysis, called STOP analysis, involving both mechanical and optical software into an iterative process.

Optec takes care of the integration between optomechanical systems and their electronic control, by implementing the best  solution in terms of hardware and software operativity.

The workflow is characterized by the following steps:

  1. Determination of the right electronic components (servo drives, actuators, encoders...) starting from the customer’s needs;
  2. Design of the full electronic layout;
  3. Development of the embedded software for the system control;
  4. Integration into the final electro-optomechanical system;
  5. Extensive test and approval.

Optec is able to assist customers in quality testing of optical components and systems.

In this area Optec has produced outstanding results in the past (particularly testing in its Optical laboratory and ISO5 cleaning the OGSE for Sentinel V, the METIS project, part of the ESA mission called Solar Orbiter, and others) and is still active with advanced research.

In the course of the years the laboratory has constituted a patrimony of resources that regard in particular the absolute measurement of the geometrical form (plano and spherical surfaces), the WFE and MTF of complete optical systems, transmissivity and reflectivity efficiency on planar surfaces, focal length measurement, developing competences and maintaining operative capabilities to the state of the art.

With the aim of giving value to the resources owned and making them available to industries and institutions, Optec has constituted metrology rooms (in ISO5 cleaning room or standard evironmnet) accessible to external users and available.

The instrumentations available at OPTC laboratories include:

  • Zygo Verifire XPZ Interferometer for WFE, MTF, Radius of Curvature (concave or convex up to 1000mm) and Planarity measurement
  • Zygo Mark II Interferometer for Planarity measurement
  • Beckman DU800 Spectrophotometer for transmissivity and reflectivity efficiency measurement
  • MOLLER-WEDEL MELOS 500 for focal length measurement (positive focal length up to 600mm and negative focal length up to -1000mm)
  • MOLLER-WEDEL GONIOMETER-SPECTROMETER II for piramidality and prisms angle measuremnt
  • VISION ENGINEERING LYNX/S/48RR/10P for scratch and dig detection and analysis



Cooling incubator:






Optec is able to calibrate any optical system using its know-how and its own strumentation. In particolar, Optec is able to calibrate and align sensors and other instruments using real-time methods and proprietary software. Optec is able to calibrate complex optical systems, both dioptric and catadioptric using technologies and techniques implemented for its own products.

For years, Optec has performed the alignment and the gluing of its multispectral lenses (and multichannel cameras). The entire process has been performed in clean room that annually gets ISO 6 certification. The increasing implication in space compliant projects has led to an improvement of the clean room and now Optec has an ISO 5 clean room, where the test and the alignment of optical systems with very strict requirements in terms of cleanliness and contamination.

In order to gathered together space specification, strict optical and straylight requirement and certification capability, Optec has moved part of its optical instrumentation in its brand new ISO5 clean room. The most peculiar characteristics of this new environment is the fact that it is totally black in order to minimize scattering and undesired reflection from walls, ceiling, optical tables and instrumentation and provide the most reliable optical measure.

Particularly in space industry, straylight analysis is simply a must. Optec can assist you with our know-how as an external partner for straylight analysis: ghost analysis, analysis of scattered light, diffraction from aperture. Based on the results of our analysis, we develop measures against straylight (baffle design, coating recommendations etc). Optec uses ZEMAX OpticStudio for straylight and ghost analysis.

Recently, Optec has extended its straylight capability and skills thank the acquisition of LightTools, a straylight dedicated software that interacts directly with CodeV and that represents one of the best and most sensitive software for straylight and ghost analysis.

Straylight analyses are standard in the following application fields:

  • Space optics: In-field and out-of-field straylight (Straylight sources: Sun, Earth, Moon, ...), diffraction analysis and thermal radiation analysis
  • Optical industry: analysis of high-end imaging systems for camera systems, microscopes etc...


CodeV and LightTools

Optec has improved its optical optimization and analysis capabilities acquiring two new software: CodeV and LightTools.
CodeV is worldwide known as the best software for optical optimization and analysis, while LightTools represents one of the best and most sensitive software for straylight and ghost analysis.
Both the software will be used from R&D department together with Zemax (maybe the most diffuse optical software) and Horus, that is a internally developed software.
Optec is constantly trying to improve its skills and capabilities in order to satisfy the arising requests of excellence from the customer.

IAC 2024

International Astronautical Congress

Milan, Italy
BOOTH Number #MN-C03

Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

Space Tech Expo Europe

Bremen, Germany
BOOTH Number #G37



San Francisco, California, United States
BOOTH Number #3475

SATELLITE Conference & Exhibition 2025

SATELLITE Conference & Exhibition

Washington, DC, United States
BOOTH Number #1340

SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2025

SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing

Orlando, Florida, United States
BOOTH Number #616

Optec in the world

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